
Learn how to set up your AccessMyLAN application to get remote access through a VPN service for smartphones, tablets and laptops. Use our convenient self-help resources to answer your questions.

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Create a policy in the AccessMyLAN web portal

  1. Hover over the Data Control tab near the top of the page.

    Image of step 1.

  2. Click Policies.

    Image of step 2.

  3. Click the plus symbol  at the right side of the page.

    Image of step 3.

  4. Click on the field under Policy Name and enter a name for the new policy.

    Image of step 4.

  5. Click the dropdown box under Copy an Existing Policy.

    Image of step 5.

  6. Select the desired policy preset.

    Image of step 6.

  7. Under the Network Security section, click the checkmark or the X to the left of the listed categories to allow or deny access to the category type.
  8. Scroll down to the Internet Access section.

    Image of steps 7 and 8.

  9. Click the checkmark or X to the left of each web site category to allow or deny access.
  10. Scroll down and set the desired access for the additional categories.

    Image of steps 9 and 10.

  11. To add an exception for a specific website, click in the field under Device Access to Specific Websites, and enter the desired website.
  12. Click on either the checkmark or the X to allow or deny access to the website.

    Image of steps 11 and 12.

  13. Click Create Policy.

    Image of step 13.

  14. The new policy displays.

    Image of step 14.