Private: Actsoft® from AT&T

Learn how to take advantage of Actsoft® from AT&T’s features by leveraging intelligent GPS and wireless technologies. Actsoft® from AT&T gives you tools for smoother business processes, like GPS time tracking, vehicle and asset mapping, multi-point polygon geo-fencing, direct dispatching, advanced wireless forms, invoicing, barcode scanning and much more.

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View a user’s tracking history by trip with Actsoft Comet Tracker from AT&T

  1. Go to and enter your Email and Password, then click Sign In.
    Note: If you have forgotten your password, click “Forgot your password” located at the bottom right corner of the login box.

    The actions in the photo are explained in the text.

  2. Actsoft Comet Tracker will open directly to your “Live View” tab.

    The actions in the photo are explained in the text.

  3. Click the History tab.

    The actions in the photo are explained in the text.

  4. A drop-down menu will populate, click User History.

    The actions in the photo are explained in the text.

  5. You can now run a historical search by Time or Trip. Select Trip.
    • Time: Allows you to run a search from one date and time to another.
    • Trip: Trip is defined as the time between an ignition on and an ignition off.
    Note: Searching by trip can only be done if the tracking device is a hard mound that recognizes an ignition on or off.

    The actions in the photo are explained in the text.

  6. Select the User(s) radio button. A list of available users will be available in the drop-down menu.

    The actions in the photo are explained in the text.

  7. Now enter the beginning date and time along with the ending date and time you want to view.
    Note: Checking the Include Non-GPS position checkbox is used when troubleshooting a user device which is not transmitting correctly.

    The actions in the photo are explained in the text.

  8. Click Display History.

    The actions in the photo are explained in the text.

  9. The Select Trip window will now appear displaying all of the trip information for the selected person and time period. Select the trip you wish to view and click Display.

    The actions in the photo are explained in the text.

  10. The user’s travel history will now display.

    The actions in the photo are explained in the text.

  11. To view the individual GPS positions obtained in the time frame selected, zoom in using the slider on the left of the map.

    The actions in the photo are explained in the text.