Private: AT&T Collaborate

AT&T Collaborate – Enhanced Mobile is a Fixed Mobile Convergence solution that provides business, desk phone features on mobile phones. Improve mobile communications with your customers and collaborators by providing your high-definition voice business smartphone users the tools they need when connected to the AT&T VoLTE network.

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Use Click-to-Call with AT&T Collaborate

With Click-to-Call you can easily contact other AT&T Collaborate users in your organization or call an external number, all directly from the Collaborate app.

You can call an internal Collaborate member from a workspace you share with the member. The phone number used to pace you call is shown in the profile section of your user settings.

Call an internal user (web and desktop)

  1. In the panel on the left, click the People icon People icon, and then search for the user you want.
  2. Click the user you want to call. Their personal profile appears.
  3. Click the Call icon Call icon at the bottom of the profile window.
  4. The call will be placed to the number in the member’s profile.

    Call an internal user (web and desktop)

Call an external number

Use this option to call people who either don’t have a phone number saved in their Collaborate personal profile, or who aren’t members of your organization.

  1. In the panel at the left, click the Dialpad icon Dialpad icon.
  2. Enter the phone number you want to call.

    Dial an external number (web and desktop)

Call an internal user (tablet and mobile)

  1. In the menu, tap People, and then search for the user you want.
  2. Tap the user you want to call. Their personal profile appears.
  3. Tap Call in the menu. The call will be placed to the number in the member’s profile.

    Call an internal user (tablet and mobile)

Call an external number

Use this option to call people who either don’t have a phone number saved in their Collaborate personal profile, or who aren’t members of your organization.

  1. In the menu, tap Dialpad.
  2. Enter the phone number you want to call.

    Dial an external number (web and desktop)