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Use a Green Screen with AT&T Office@Hand Video Virtual Background

This article provides information about the various options and best practices when setting up a green screen for the Virtual Background feature in AT&T Office@Hand Video.

Note: Virtual Background for AT&T Office@Hand Video is currently in open beta.

Using a green screen can drastically improve the quality of the AT&T Office@Hand Video Virtual Background feature. Below is a compilation of some best practices for setting up a green screen in your workstation. Please note that your green screen must be solid green or blue.

Configure the green screen option in AT&T Office@Hand Video

To use a green screen on AT&T Office@Hand Video, you need to turn on the green screen feature in your Virtual Background settings. See Enable Virtual Background in AT&T Office@Hand Video for more information.

Set up your green screen workstation

For a simple setup, professional equipment is not required to use a green screen in your home office. You just need enough space, good lighting, and a solid color green or blue background.

For your outfit, the simpler your outfit is, the better—high contrast and heavy patterns are discouraged. Do not wear the same color as your background to avoid editing out yourself or your clothes in your video feed.

There are several different types of green screens at your disposal. You can DIY your green screen by using a solid color sheet or curtain, but you can also purchase different types of green screen tools and products for better results.

Let’s review the different types of green screen tools and products below.

Types of green screens

Collapsible backdrop

A collapsible backdrop uses a flexible metal frame that stretches a muslin cloth. It can be folded and ‘collapsed’ when not in use, but it springs up and/or pops open when needed. It can be handled similar to a plain muslin cloth backdrop or a paper backdrop, like hanging it from a stand or attaching it to a wall. Some are even portable and easy to set up, so you can bring your green screen anywhere.

A collapsible backdrop can be purchased online, and it can often come in two colors: green and blue.

Detachable office chair green screen

Similar to a plain collapsible backdrop, a chair green screen can be attached to the back of your char. No need to tape or tack it to the wall.

See some of your options here.

Seamless background paper

A seamless background paper is a thick dyed paper that is wound onto a cardboard core. Think of tissue paper, but bigger, thicker, and dyed green. It’s non-reflective, meaning it’s an ideal backdrop that can give a consistent solid color.

You may have to set up backdrop support, but you can also just cut out a portion of the paper and attach it to a wall using tape. Unlike a curtain or a sheet hung at your back, the paper’s texture is smooth and consistent if handled properly.

Check out seamless background paper options here.

Muslin backdrop

A muslin is a multi-purpose cloth used in a variety of settings and industries. Like paper, it is also non-reflective and easy to handle. It can also be hung on a stand or attached to a wall behind your workstation. You can purchase a stand separately, or you can also DIY one yourself. The main difference between a muslin cloth and a backdrop is that the creases and wrinkles of a muslin cloth can be removed. A muslin backdrop can be reused many times.

Browse here for options on muslin backdrops.

Green paint

This type of green screen is rather permanent. You can use green paint to paint your wall to use as a green screen or paint a large canvas that can act as a green screen background. The best shade of green to use is Chroma Key green paint. You can ask your local hardware store if they carry this shade, or you can visit popular online stores and order from there.

Painting your wall to use as a green screen is not for everyone, however, as there are other more practical options.

Set up good lighting for the green screen area

In the case of a DIY, low-cost green screen setup, a simple overhead ceiling light can work. However, it must be bright, and you have to position yourself so that the light bounces off in front of you and not directly overhead. You can also be creative with your lighting, such as using different types of lamps you already have like a desk, table, or floor lamp.

The best lighting you can use without breaking the bank is natural light. This means setting up your workstation in a room that lets in plenty of daylight.

Whatever your lighting setup is, remember that the best light position is in front of you, not behind, below, or overhead.

If you want better green screen lighting, apply the following tips:

  • Use multiple light sources – If you’re only using overhead ceiling lights, it creates unflattering shadows under your eyes. You can use multiple sources of light set at different angles to get rid of unwanted shadows.
  • Control brightness – Whether you’re using artificial or natural light, it’s best not to wash out your face. If you experience this, you can distance yourself from your light source by either moving the light source such as a lamp farther or moving your setup away from your light source, such as your window.
  • Use proper lighting equipment – While there are many ways you can set up lighting using on-hand equipment, you can get better results by purchasing lighting equipment. These don’t necessarily have to be professional lights. For example, you can get a ring light.

Keywords: AT&T Office@Hand Video, Virtual Background, use green screen, green screen options, green screen lighting