Set Up Call Screening, Greeting & Hold Music Feature for AT&T Office@Hand Wireless and Wireless Integrated for AT&T Office@Hand
Article #2975
This article provides steps on how to configure the Call Screening under the Screening, Greeting & Hold Music section in the AT&T Office@Hand Wireless and Wireless Integrated for AT&T Office@Hand online account.
Turn this option on when you want callers to announce their name before continuing to connect the call. This option lets you identify the caller so you can pick up the call immediately. If Caller ID is not present, this will ask callers to say their name before connecting.
Follow the steps below to learn how to configure this setting.
- Log in to your AT&T Office@Hand Wireless or Wireless Integrated account.
- Follow the steps below depending on your access profile:
- Admin: Go to the Admin Profile > User > User List > Users with Extensions, then select the user extension to modify.
User: Go to Settings.
- Click Screening, Greeting & Hold Music.
- Under Call Screening, click the Enable check box and then click Edit to modify.
- Note: When the User Hours is set to Custom, the settings for the After Hours will have the same options.

- You will have the following conditions to ask callers to say their name before connecting:
- If the caller’s Caller ID is not present
- If the caller is not in your Contact List
- Always
- Click Done.
- Click Save when redirected back to Screening, Greeting & Hold Music to confirm.
- After turning on this option, go to Call Handling & Forwarding > Settings > Incoming Call Information to set your preferences.
Key Words: call screening, call screening mobile app, call screening android, call screening ios, 2975
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