AT&T Message Archiving

Learn how to set up and use AT&T Message Archiving.

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Resetting a forgotten password in the AT&T Message Archiving portal

  1. Navigate to the login page.
  2. Click the Forgot your password link under the Login button.

    Image of steps 1 and 2..

  3. Click in the field labeled “Username” and enter your username.
  4. Click in the field labled “Email address” and enter your registered email address.
  5. Click the Reset password button.
    Image of steps 3 through 5.
  6. The password reset message appears on the screen.
  7. Make a note of the PIN code to be entered for the reset.
    Image of steps 6 and 7
  8. An email is sent to the address in your profile.
  9. Click the Reset Password button.

    Image of steps 8 and 9.

  10. Click in the field labeled “PIN” and enter the PIN code noted earlier.
  11. Click in the field labeled “Enter new password” and enter your new password.
    Note: The new password must meet the criteria:

    1. At least eight characters long
    2. At least one uppercase letter
    3. At least one lowercase letter
    4. At least one number
    5. At least one special character (%, $,#,!, etc)
  12. Click in the field labeled “Re-enter new password” and re-enter your new password.
  13. Click the Set new password button.

    Image of steps 10 through 13.