AT&T Office@Hand

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Parking and Retrieving a Call in the AT&T Office@Hand App
Article #87211

This article provides information on how to park and retrieve a call in the AT&T Office@Hand App on desktop, web, and mobile.
Parking a call enables you to place a call on hold and let another employee retrieve it from a different phone.

Parking a call for desktop or web

  1. While on a live call, select the Call Actions button on the dial pad.
  2. Click the Park option from the dropdown menu.

    Click the Park option from the dropdown menu.

  3. Make note of the parked number that appears in the banner at the top of the app.

Parking a call for mobile

  1. While on a live call, select the Call Actions button on the call screen.
  2. Tap the Park option from the menu.
  3. Make note of the parked number that appears in the banner at the middle of the app.
  4. To park a location to a paging group in your company, tap Yes to page the park location to a paging group in your company.

Retrieving the parked call

  1. Open the dialpad on either the AT&T Office@Hand App.
  2. Type the parked number into the keypad.
  3. Click on the green phone button at the bottom of the dialpad to retrieve the parked call.

Keywords: AT&T Office@Hand App, AT&T Office@Hand Web, AT&T Office@Hand Desktop, AT&T Office@Hand Mobile, mobile app, park call, retrieve parked call, park location