Private: AT&T Collaborate

AT&T Collaborate – Enhanced Mobile is a Fixed Mobile Convergence solution that provides business, desk phone features on mobile phones. Improve mobile communications with your customers and collaborators by providing your high-definition voice business smartphone users the tools they need when connected to the AT&T VoLTE network.

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Manage Hoteling with AT&T Collaborate

The AT&T Collaborate SM service’s hoteling capability provides a beneficial way for you to share another user’s office or workspace phone and have it work like their own phone.

If your administrator has assigned the Hoteling Guest feature to you, you can access your phone number and Collaborate features from a Hoteling Host user’s IP phone by creating a guest and host association between you and the Host. If you have the Hoteling Host feature, other users assigned the Hoteling Guest feature can associate their phone numbers with your device.

Say, for example, that you have an out-of-town colleague coming to work in the office next week. You’ll be on vacation, so you could set her up at your desk. With a hoteling guest and hoteling host association, the visiting colleague can use your phone and it will act like her own phone, and her caller ID will appear instead of yours.

Hoteling guest

If your administrator has turned on the Hoteling Guest feature for you, you can associate your Collaborate phone number with a Hoteling Host user’s device.

Manage hoteling guest

  1. On the Collaborate homepage, on the left menu, click Features. The Features page appears.
  2. In the Hoteling Guest section, under Status, click Off to turn the feature on.
  3. In the Hoteling Guest section, click Edit. The Hoteling Guest page appears.
  4. To limit the number of hours your guest association will last, check the Limit profile association to <x> hours box, and then enter the number of hours you want the association to last.
    • If you’re already associated as a guest with a host user’s device, that association appears in the Associated host section.
    • To select a host to associate with, search for hosts. Hoteling Host users who match your search criteria and don’t currently have an associated guest appear in the Available hosts section.
  5. Select a host from the Available hosts list.
  6. Click Save.
    You’re now associated as a guest user on this hoteling host user’s device.
    Note: Many IP phones let you create a guest and host association on your (guest) phone by pressing a soft key. If your phone has this key, use that function in place of steps 4 through 6 above.

Hoteling host

If your administrator has turned on the Hoteling Host feature for you, other users with the Hoteling Guest feature can associate their phone numbers with your device. You have only 1 (active) association at a time.

Manage a hoteling host

  1. On the Collaborate homepage, on the left menu, click Features. The Features page appears.
  2. In the Hoteling Host section, under Status, click Off to turn the feature on.
  3. In the Hoteling Host section, click Edit. The Hoteling Host page appears.
  4. To limit the number of hours a guest can be associated with your device, check the Limit guest association to <x> hours box, and then enter the number of hours you want the association to last.
  5. Select the guest access level, Company or Site.
    • If you select Company, any users within your company who’ve been assigned the Hoteling Guest feature can associate their phone number with your device (if it’s available).
    • If you select Site, the guest user must be located at the same site as you.

Information about a guest who’s associated with you as a host appears in the Associated guest section.