AT&T Office@Hand

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Integrations – Set Up and Installation | AT&T Office@Hand
Article #95788

This article helps you search for an app on the AT&T Office@Hand App Gallery and how you can set up and install the app.

How to Set up and Install AT&T Office@Hand Integrations

  1. Go to the AT&T Office@Hand App Gallery.
  2. Search for the app to install.
    You can also use the filter to look for an app by type or by category.

    Search for the app to install.

  3. Click the app that needs to be installed from the search results.
  4. You will be taken to the Overview page of the app, where you can read more information about the app.
  5. Click the Installation tab.
    NOTE: Click Support to view the app’s resources and support site links.
  6. Follow the instructions provided.

Key Words: AT&T Office@Hand App, Integrations, app integrations, app gallery, set up, install app, app installation