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Forward Calls to your AT&T Office@Hand Number
Article #3031


Mobile App - Forward Calls to your AT&T Office@Hand Number+

How do I forward calls on my AT&T Office@Hand number using your mobile app?

The steps below helps you maintain your phone number with your current provider, and forward calls automatically to your AT&T Office@Hand account.

NOTE: You need to be an account administrator to perform the following procedure.

  1. Launch your AT&T Office@Hand mobile app on your device.
  2. Tap on your profile picture to open My Profile.
  3. Tap Phone System.
  4. Tap Company Numbers & Info.
  5. Tap Use My Existing Number.
  6. Select the option Forward my calls to Office@Hand.
  7. Enter the Phone Number where the calls will be forwarded from. Toll-Free Numbers cannot be forwarded.
  8. Select the account extension where you want the calls to be forwarded. Tap the arrow pointing to the right to continue.
  9. In order for AT&T Office@Hand to answer your existing home or home office telephone line, you will need to order Busy Call Handling and No Answer Call Handling* from your local telephone company. You will see instructions for Ordering Call Handling on the app or you may also click Email Me Instructions to get a copy on your email.
  10. Tap Done.

Ordering Call Handling

Contact your local telephone company’s Customer Service department and request that the telephone features Busy Call Handling and No Answer Call Handling* be installed on your telephone line.
Be sure to indicate that you would like Fixed call handling, and not variable or basic.

Your telephone company will ask you to which number you would like your calls forwarded. This number is your Main AT&T Office@Hand Phone Number.

The telephone company must enter this forwarding number exactly as listed, including the “1” before the number prefix, in order for AT&T Office@Hand to work. Ask the Customer Service Representative to repeat the number back to you to verify that it was entered into their system correctly.

When ordering No Answer Call Handling, you must choose how many rings you would like to hear before your calls are forwarded to AT&T Office@Hand. You may choose as many or as little as you like, however we recommend that you set it to four (4) rings.

* If the Customer Service Representative says these features are not available, ask to speak to a supervisor. These features are available almost everywhere in the US.

Telephone Company Charges

Your local phone company may charge you a small activation fee and an ongoing monthly fee for these call handling services. Please check with your phone company for details on these charges.


Forward Calls to Your AT&T Office@Hand Number+

Maintain your phone number with your current provider, and forward calls automatically to your AT&T Office@Hand account.

  1. Log in to your Office@Hand account as an Administrator.
  2. Go to Phone System > Phone Numbers.
  3. Under the Company tab, click the Forward Number button.

    Under the Company tab, click the Forward Number button.

  4. Enter the Phone Number where the calls will be forwarded from. Follow the on­screen instructions.
    IMPORTANT: Toll­-Free Numbers cannot be forwarded.
  5. You will have 2 options where the calls from your Existing Phone Number will be forwarded either to the Auto­-Receptionist or to a specific extension. Choose between the two options, and then click Next.
    • Company Auto-­Receptionist
      When forwarded calls are routed to the Company Auto­-Receptionist, Company Call Handling rules will be implemented.
    • Extension
      When forwarded calls are routed directly to an Extension, the Extension’s Call Handling & Call Forwarding rules will be implemented.
  6. Your AT&T Office@Hand phone system is now configured to accept calls from your non­ AT&TOffice@Hand number. On this window are instructions for ordering Call Handling from your number’s service provider. In order for AT&T Office@Hand to receive calls from your non­-AT&T Office@Hand number, you will need to contact your existing number’s provider to order the forwarding of calls to AT&T Office@Hand.
    a. Select your service provider.
    b. Please dial the following number on your mobile phone and press “Call”:

    • The number provided depends on your selected service provider.
    • If your service provider is not on the list, select Other. You will need to contact your carrier for information on how to forward your cellular number to AT&T Office@Hand.
      Note: You can click Print to open a new tab with the instructions.


Key Words: forwarding numbers, local numbers, existing numbers, Forwarding calls, Office@Hand number, android mobile app, Android App, 3031. iOS app, 2578, forward call