AT&T Workforce Manager

AT&T Workforce Manager strengthens communications between dispatchers and mobile workers, improves control over field operations, and delivers services faster and more efficiently. Make near real-time decisions about your mobile operations so you can save time and increase productivity.

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Download and install AT&T Workforce Manager for Android application

  1. Tap on the Play Store icon.

    Image of step 1.

  2. Tap on the “Google Play” field, and search for “AT&T Workforce Manager”.

    Image of step 2.

  3. Tap on Workforce Manager for AT&T.

    Image of step 3.

  4. Tap on the INSTALL button.

    Image of step 4.

  5. Review the access needs and tap on the ACCEPT button to continue.

    Image of step 5.

  6. The application downloads and installs.

    Image of step 6.

  7. Tap the OPEN button.

    Image of step 7.

  8. The application is ready for use.

    Image of step 8.