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Mobile App – Customize Advanced Rules of a Call Queue | AT&T Office@Hand
Article #2781

The Advanced Call Handling section is where you can set up your preferred rules for better call management using conditions based on time of day, date range, incoming caller ID and called number.

Customizing the Advanced Rules of a Call Queue of Your Mobile App

NOTE: You need to be an account administrator to perform the following procedure.

  1. Launch your AT&T Office@Hand mobile app on your device.
  2. Tap your profile picture.
  3. Tap Phone System > Groups/Others.
  4. Select the call queue that you wish to modify.
  5. Tap Call Handling.
  6. Tap the Advanced tab.
  7. Tap Add Rule.
  8. Fill out the Name rule field. You can base your custom rule on the following conditions:
    • Date and/or Time
    • Caller ID
    • Called Number

Date and/or Time

  1. Set the rule as a Weekly schedule or just for a specific Date Range (ex. Out of office rule). Specify which days of the week will be affected by the rule and indicate the time. Tap Next Next icon to continue.
  2. Select action to take when incoming calls match the rule.

Caller ID

  1. Type the phone number of the caller that you want to include on the rule. Tap Arrow (Next) to continue
  2. Select action to take when incoming calls match the rule.

Called Number

  1. Select the number from your account where you want to apply this rule. Tap Arrow (Next) to
  2. continue
    Select action to take when incoming calls match the rule.

Key Words: custom rule, after hours, advanced settings, iOS App