Private: Rave Guardian & Rave Messenger

Learn how to set up and use Rave Guardian and Rave Messenger. Access our convenient self-help tools to learn how to keep your family safe and to set up email, text messaging and phone communications using Rave to enhance safety and communication at your school.

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Creating a text alert using the Rave Messenger web interface

  1. Click/tap Alerts.
    Note: The Alerts tab is selected by default.
  2. Click/tap Create Alert.

  3. Enter the Alert Name in the “Alert Name” box.
  4. Click/tap Text to activate the message box.
    Note: Text defaults to a minus sign.

  5. Enter the message in the box.
  6. Optional: Check the boxes to the left of the alternative languages, as needed.
  7. Click/tap Add, to add recipients for the message.

  8. Click/tap on the radio button for All People or Select People/Lists to add recipients.
    Note: The People/Lists tab radio button defaults to All People.
  9. Click/tap Set Expiration Time to open the expiration options.

  10. Select the expiration time.
  11. Click/tap Save.

  12. Click/tap Continue.

  13. Click/tap Send this Alert.

  14. The alert shows as sent.
  15. Click/tap Close.