AT&T Workforce Manager

AT&T Workforce Manager strengthens communications between dispatchers and mobile workers, improves control over field operations, and delivers services faster and more efficiently. Make near real-time decisions about your mobile operations so you can save time and increase productivity.

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Create a Form in AT&T Workforce Manager

  1. Click on Wireless forms in the menu on the left.

    Image of step 1.

  2. Click My forms.

    Image of step 2.

  3. The list of forms displays.

  4. Click on New form.

    Image of steps 3 and 4.

  5. Select the desired form type.

    Image of step 5.

  6. Click on the field to the right of Order Taken By and enter the worker’s name.

  7. Click on the calendar icon  in the field to the right of Date of Order.

    Image of steps 6 and 7.

  8. Use the controls the populate to select the desired date.

    Image of step 8.

  9. Click on the clock icon  in the field to the right of Date of Order.

    Image of step 9.

  10. Scroll to and click on the desired time.

    Image of step 10.

  11. Click in the field to the right of Customer Order Number and enter the desired order number.

  12. Click in the field to the right of Customer Name and enter the client’s name.

  13. Click in the field to the right of Customer Email and enter the customer’s email address.

    Image of steps 11 through 13.

  14. Click on the plus icon  to the right of the email address.

  15. Repeat steps 13 and 14 to add more email addresses.

  16. Click on the field to the right of Address and enter the customer’s address.

  17. Click on the field to the right of City and enter the customer’s city.

  18. Click on the field to the right of State and enter the customer’s state.

  19. Click on the field to the right of Zip Code and enter the customer’s zip code.

  20. Scroll down to Material Cost.

    Image of steps 14 through 20

  21. Click on the Add link to the right of Material Cost.

    Image of step 21.

  22. Click on the field under Item Name and enter the name of the material.

  23. Click on the field under Quantity and enter the quantity of the material required.

  24. Click on the field under Cost and enter the cost of the material.

  25. Repeat steps 21 through 24 to add more materials.

  26. Scroll down to the Job Details section.

    Image of steps 22 through 26.

  27. Click on the field to the right of Job Name and enter a name for the job.

  28. Click on the field to the right of Location and enter the location for the job.

  29. Click on the field to the right of Job Telephone and enter a phone number for the job.

  30. Click on the calendar icon  to the right of Invoice Date.

    Image of steps 27 through 30.

  31. Use the controls that populate to select the desired date.

    Image of step 31.

  32. Click on the field to the right of Requested Work Description and enter a description for the job.

  33. Scroll down to the Labor Cost section.

    Image of steps 32 and 33.

  34. Click on the field to the right of Hours Worked and enter the hours.

  35. Click on the field to the right of Rate per Hour and enter the desired rate.

  36. Scroll down to the Description of Work section.

    Image of steps 34 through 36.

  37. Click on the field to the right of Description of Work and enter a completed work description.

  38. Click on the field to the right of Recommendations and enter any applicable recommendations.

  39. Scroll down to the Job Cost Summary section.

    Image of steps 37 through 39.

  40. The Material Total, Labor Total, and Sub Total fields populate based on the amounts entered above.

  41. Click on the field to the right of Tax Rate and enter the desired tax rate.

  42. Scroll down.

    Image of steps 40 through 42.

  43. The total updates based on the tax rate entered.

  44. Click on the drop down to the right of Payment Type and select the desired type.

  45. Click on the field to the right of Amount Paid and enter the amount paid by the customer.

  46. Click on the signature icon  to the right of Client Signature.

    Image of steps 43 through 46.

  47. Click in the field to the right of Client Signature.

  48. Have the customer provide their signature.

    Image of steps 47 and 48.

    Note: You can click Clear to clear the current signature and have the customers re-sign.

  49. Click Save.

    Image of step 49.

  50. Scroll down.

    Image of step 50.

  51. Click on the field to the right of Email this Estimate to and enter the desired email address.

    Image of step 51.

  52. Click on the plus symbol  to the right of Email this Estimate to.

    Image of step 52.

  53. Repeat steps 51 and 52 to add more emails.

  54. Click Submit.

    Image of steps 53 and 54.

  55. The form saves.

    Image of step 55.

  56. The list of forms displays.

    Image of step 56.