Private: AT&T Collaborate

AT&T Collaborate – Enhanced Mobile is a Fixed Mobile Convergence solution that provides business, desk phone features on mobile phones. Improve mobile communications with your customers and collaborators by providing your high-definition voice business smartphone users the tools they need when connected to the AT&T VoLTE network.

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Add comments to a note, task, or file in AT&T Collaborate

You can use comments to keep a record of conversations between team members about a note, file, or task. You can edit, copy, quote a comment in a new comment, and delete comments. You can convert a comment into a note or task.

When someone responds to your comment, AT&T Collaborate notifies you in the app and by email. If you reply to an email notification, your reply is added as a new comment.

Add Comments (desktop and web)

  1. In the panel at the upper-right, click the Notes, Tasks, or Files icon, depending on the type of item you want to comment on. A list of notes, tasks, or files appears.
  2. Click the item you want to add a comment to. The item details tab appears.
  3. Enter your comment.

    Add a comment field

Edit a comment (desktop and web only)

  1. In the panel at the upper-right, click the Notes, Tasks, or Files icon. A list of notes, tasks, or files appears.
  2. Click the item that has the comment you want to edit. The item details tab appears.
  3. In the comments section, hover over the comment you want to edit until the Actions menu appears.
  4. Click the Edit icon Edit icon.
  5. Edit the comment, and then click Save.

Copy a comment (desktop and web only)

  1. In the panel at the upper-right, click the Notes, Tasks, or Files icon. A list of notes, tasks, or files appears.
  2. Click the item that has the comment you want to copy. The item details tab appears.
  3. In the comments section, hover over the comment you want to copy until the Actions menu appears.
  4. Click the Copy icon Copy icon. The comment is copied to the clipboard.

Quote a comment (desktop and web only)

  1. In the panel at the upper-right, click the Notes, Tasks, or Files icon. A list of notes, tasks, or files appears.
  2. Click the item that has the comment you want to quote. The item details tab appears.
  3. In the comments section, hover over the comment you want to copy until the Actions menu appears.
  4. Click the Quote iconQuote icon . The quoted comment appears in the Messages panel, attributed to the original author and including the date it was originally added.

    Quoted comment in Message panel

Convert a comment into a note (desktop and web only)

  1. In the panel at the upper-right, click the Notes, Tasks, or Files icon. A list of notes, tasks, or files appears.
  2. Click the item that has the comment you want to convert into a note. The item details tab appears.
  3. Hover over the comment you want to convert, until the Actions menu appears.
  4. Click the More icon More Actions icon, and then click Convert to Note. The comment appears as text in a new note window.
  5. Edit the note, click Publish, and then close the window. The comment appears as a note.

Convert a comment into a task (desktop and web only)

  1. In the panel at the upper-right, click the Notes, Tasks, or Files icon. A list of notes, tasks, or files appears.
  2. Click the item that has the comment you want to convert into a task. The item details tab appears.
  3. Hover over the comment you want to convert, until the Actions menu appears.
  4. Click the More icon More Actions icon, and then click Convert to Task. The comment appears as text in a new task window.
  5. Edit the note, click Publish, and then close the window. The comment appears as a task.

Delete a comment (desktop and web only)

  1. In the panel at the upper-right, click the Notes, Tasks, or Files icon. A list of notes, tasks, or files appears.
  2. Click the item that has the comment you want to delete. The item details tab appears.
  3. Hover over the comment you want to convert, until the Actions menu appears.
  4. Click the More icon More Actions icon, and then click Delete.
  5. In the confirmation window, click OK.

Add comments (tablet and mobile)

  1.  In the panel at the upper-right, tap the Notes, Tasks, or Files icon, depending on the type of item you want to comment on. A list of notes, tasks, or files appears.
  2. Tap the item you want to add a comment to. The item details appear.
  3. Enter your comment.

    Enter your comment.

  4. Tap Send.

    Tap Send.

Related topics:

Create a note
Add a file
Create a task