Private: AT&T Collaborate

AT&T Collaborate – Enhanced Mobile is a Fixed Mobile Convergence solution that provides business, desk phone features on mobile phones. Improve mobile communications with your customers and collaborators by providing your high-definition voice business smartphone users the tools they need when connected to the AT&T VoLTE network.

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Manage Meet Me Conferencing for a user with AT&T Collaborate

With the Meet Me Conferencing feature, part of the Unified Communications bundle, users can invite others to join a meeting bridge audio call.

You can set up Meet Me Conferencing for a user, or you can manage user settings. If you want to use different meeting specifications (depending on the subject or attendees), or if you want to have different meeting IDs available to the user for security reasons, create more than one meeting.

When used together with the AT&T Collaborate app’s My Room function, the Meet Me Conferencing feature provides a simple way to change a group chat session into a group audio call. For more information, see About the AT&T Collaborate app.

Note: You don’t need to create a Meet Me Conferencing meeting for My Room. If the site has a My Room bridge and a user is assigned as a host for that bridge, a meeting named “My Room” is automatically created for the user when that user logs in to the Collaborate app the first time. You can edit the My Room meeting as you would any other user meeting, but you can’t change the meeting name. For more information, see Manage Meet Me Conferencing.

Get started
Create a meeting
Modify a meeting
Delete a meeting

Get started

  1. On the Collaborate homepage, click Select a site, select the site that you want, and then click Save.
  2. On the left menu, expand Users, and then click Manage users. The Manage users page appears.
  3. Click the name of the user you want to manage, and then on the Devices tab, click Manage tools. The Manage tools page appears.
  4. Click Manage Meet Me Conferencing. The Manage Meet Me Conferencing page appears.

To manage meetings, continue with the procedures below.

Create a meeting

  1. Follow the steps under Get started.
  2. On the Manage Meet Me Conferencing page, under Bridges, view available meeting bridges for this user.
    Note: If you don’t see a bridge, this means the user doesn’t have a Collaborate app with UC capabilities. You can assign the user a Collaborate app with UC and then check again.
  3. In the Meeting rooms section, click Create meeting. The Create a meeting room page appears.
  4. Enter a room name, and then under Owner options, decide whether to select the following options:
    Start meetings when the room owner is present
    End meetings when the room owner leaves
    Note: A moderator must start the meeting.
  5. Select 1 of these notification options. When attendees join and leave the meeting:
    Play notification
    Don’t play notification
  6. In the Meeting settings section, under Meeting type, select 1 of these options:
    One time—Set up a one-time meeting with a unique meeting ID that expires after the meeting end date and time. Select the meeting start date, time, and the duration. The time zone for the meeting start time is the same as the one assigned to the meeting bridge.
    Reservationless—Use the same meeting ID for every meeting on this bridge.
    Recurring—Set up a recurring meeting with a unique meeting ID that’s available only during the specified meeting days and designated time. Select the meeting start date, time, and duration, and complete the daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly recurrence options. The time zone for the meeting start time is the same as the one assigned to the meeting bridge. Under Recurrence end, select the date when this recurring meeting schedule ends.
  7. Click Save. The meeting information appears. Use this information to access the meeting or to invite other users to your meeting.

Modify a meeting

Modify a meeting if you want to change meeting settings or the meeting type, or to view the meeting and moderator access information.

Note: If you have the Collaborate app, note that the app’s My Room function uses the MyRoom meeting. When editing the MyRoom meeting, keep it as reservationless so that it’s always available, and don’t change the name. If you change the MyRoom meeting name, the next time the user logs in to the Collaborate app, the service creates a new MyRoom meeting for the user, and the renamed meeting won’t be used.

  1. Follow the steps in Get started.
  2. On the Manage Meet Me Conferencing page, next to the meeting you want, click the Edit icon. The Meeting rooms page appears.
  3. Enter a room name, and then under Session options, decide whether to select the following options:
    • Start meetings when the room owner is present
    • End meetings when the room owner leaves
      Note: A moderator must start the meeting.
  4. Select 1 of these notification options. When attendees join and leave the meeting:
    • Play notification
    • Don’t play notification
  5. In the Meeting settings section, under Meeting type, select 1 of these options:
    • One time—Set up a one-time meeting with a unique meeting ID that expires after the meeting end date and time. Select the meeting start date, time, and the duration. The time zone for the meeting start time is the same as the one assigned to the meeting bridge.
    • Reservationless—Use the same meeting ID for every meeting on this bridge.
    • Recurring—Set up a recurring meeting with a unique meeting ID that’s available only during the specified meeting days and designated time. Select the meeting start date, time, and duration, and complete the daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly recurrence options. The time zone for the meeting start time is the same as the one assigned to the meeting bridge. Under Recurrence end, select the date when this recurring meeting schedule ends.
  6. Click Save.

Delete a meeting

  1. Follow the steps in Get started.
  2. On the Manage Meet Me Conferencing page, next to the meeting you want to delete, click the Delete icon.
  3. To confirm that you want to delete the meeting, click Continue.