AT&T Fleet Management for Enterprise/Government

AT&T Fleet Management for Enterprise (AFMFE) delivers real results with GPS tracking information to enable fleets to be more efficient, profitable and customer focused. Vehicle tracking, optional vehicle engine and performance data, and extensive reporting assist in optimizing business operations.

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Create defects list from an existing list

  1. Click on Engine & Maintenance in the menu on the left.

    Image of step 1.

  2. Scroll down to Asset Inspection.

    Image of step 2.

  3. Click on Asset Inspection.

    Image of step 3.

  4. The options menu displays.
  5. Click on the Defect Lists button near the top of the page.

    Image of steps 4 and 5.

  6. The configured defects list displays.
  7. Click on the drop down arrow to the right of the Add button.

    Image of steps 6 and 7.

  8. Select the desired preset list.

    Image of step 8.

  9. Click the field to the right of Name and enter a name for your list.
  10. Click the field to the right of Groups.

    Image of steps 9 and 10.

  11. Enter the desired group’s name or click the drop down to browse the configured groups.

    Image of step 11.

  12. Click on the desired type to the right of “Asset type”.
  13. Scroll down.

    Image of steps 12 and 13.

  14. Click in the field to the right of “Parts and defects”, and enter the desired part name, and then click on the Add part button.
  15. Click the Plus icon  to the right of the desired part to add a defect.
  16. Click on the Pencil icon  to the right of the part or defect to edit its name.
  17. Click on the X icon  to the right of the part or defect to delete it.
  18. Edit the additional parts and defects as desired.
  19. Scroll to the top of the page.

    Image of steps 14 through 19.

  20. Click on Save.

    Image of step 20.